Who will be on the new season's millionaire matchmaker?

Albie and Christopher, the sons of the real housewives of NJ star Caroline Manzoe, will appear on the new season of the Millionaire Matchmaker. It has been confirmed by Bravo recently. Frankly, the boys are millionaires by themselves, although they've tried to work very hard. They become millionaires just because they have successful parents. Considering the examples of the previous seasons, the two boys still seem to be carrying on normal lives. Good morals, good family.

Finding soul mate for the millionaires is the job of Patti Stanger, the millionaire matchmaker. Who will be the lucky girls for the boys? Let's looking forward to the next millionaire matchmaker show on Bravo at 9 PM, Oct, 19.

Here are some background info for the boys mentioned above:

Albie, 24, needs a bookworm who will be able to keep him on task. Since Albie may never want to leave his parents' house (or since Caroline might not let him), she has to be cool with sharing a bathroom with her future mother-in-law (and watching her shave her face in the morning). Albie tends to be packing.heat, as he recently graduated from the police academy, so his future spouse should be partial to crappy coffee and long nights sitting in cars in some of New Jersey's most scenic parking lots and highways. But in all seriousness, Caroline revealed that Albie has previously given up girlfriends in order to study, so someone who is secure enough with themselves, doesn't need constant attention, and can handle a relationship conducted primarily over Skype, is probably the best bet.

Meanwhile younger brother Chris, 21, of the future worldwide strip club/car wash phenomenon, is jovial and silly as they come. Ladies, if you don't mind a man who works with pole dancers and car wax all day, this one's for you. Maybe if you're lucky, Caroline will let you call him "Chriddopher," and maybe, just maybe, you can have your wedding at The Brownstone (I think he knows a guy). Also, Christopher's future wife must understand and love all aspects of The Ham Game. No exceptions.

Still interested, ladies? Just think, if the fates align and you find yourself made for one of these fine young men, you could be related to the Manzo clan! Finally, your random spouting of "Let me tell you something about my family." at parties (anyone? Or is this just me?) will finally be relevant!