Identify the deception in online dating.

When you make the decision to join a dating site, not only do you make a financial investment, you invest in your future! Learn to be savvy in identifying profiles and behaviors that may be deceptive.

When you see a profile photo of a hot guy or girl that looks like a model agency headshot, stop for a moment. Take note of whether or not there is only one photo. Scammers often use fake photos that are too good to be true. Frequently, they cannot access numerous photos of the same person.

Secondly, if you decide to chat with this person, be aware of the kind of language/wording that he or she uses in the conversation. If the profile says that the user is in the United States, yet they use phrases and terminology that doesn't sound familiar to your country's culture, you may be chatting with an individual whose motives are not honorable. Also, be wary of people that say that they live in one country, but are in another doing contracted work. If their job sounds like something out of an Indiana Jones movie, it is probably not the real thing.

Lastly, and most importantly, be very wary of any individual that makes a request to chat with you on Yahoo immediately after gaining your attention through a chat window on the site, or through e-mail correspondence. If you proceed, refrain from clicking on or accepting any links presented to you! If you do make the mistake of doing so, and later find that you cannot access your account (even though you are entering the correct user and log-in information), change your password immediately! Notify customer service and place them on notice that your account may have been phished. In the coming hours, take notice of any inquiries to your account by other members that are responding to a wink or e-mail that you did not send. If you find this to be the case, notify customer service that the security of your account has been compromised. Allow them to handle the situation and follow their guidance on what to do next.

Be cautious when meeting people online by keeping your emotions in check during the initial meeting stage. Best of luck to all and enjoy this exciting time in your life!