Adam Levine and Anne Vyalistsyna is dating.

Adam Levine, the lead singer of Maroon 5, is convinced not a fan of celebrity dating and celebrity relationships. According to him, most stars are nothing more than "basket cases". That's interesting enough.

Actually Adam is not new to the celebrity dating circle. He was reported to be with super stars just like Jessica Simpson, Natalie Portman, etc. However, the dating was not fruitful.

'I've rubbed shoulders with some very famous people and I'm finding out that more and more of them are pretty crazy - basket cases', Adam told NY post this way, 'And I'm thinking celebrities have become a real deal breaker when relationships are concerned.'

At present, the sexy singer is dating a model named Anne Vyalistsyna. And he is quite satisfied with the last lover. "Very good. She's an amazing woman", Adam said.